Designing Empty Spaces Like Parks
A study of natural and recreational spaces, searching for design solutions for the underutilized and vacant spaces around us.
This project was a part of my graduate program at CU Denver.
Analysis of spaces and uses at Dry Creek Open Space.
I analyzed how parks design their spaces to be used, identifying destinations, trails, roads, and off-limits areas. I then looked how they were actually being used by visitors using Strava heat map data for hikers in the area.
Rocky Mountain National Park
Existing Conditions
One of two lawns serving the apartment complex, which is surrounded by deep concrete drainage systems. The lawns are primarily used for dogs.
The findings were then used to create design solutions to two underutilized spaces in my own neighborhood - a street with wide, empty treelawns, and communal spaces in an old apartment complex.
Underutilized treelawns along 26th Street.
Rendering of drainage and landscaping recommendations.
Executive Summary