Miscellaneous and Personal Projects
Selected works worth seeing.
Flagstaff Mountain climbing map.
Illustrated site plan for the North Valmont City Park renovation.
Watercolor painting of a home.
Watercolor painting of a home.
Watercolor painting of a home.
Watercolor painting of a home.
Rendering of a playground project in Boulder, CO.
Rendering of a playground project in Boulder, CO.
Rendering of a cabin.
Rendering of a home.
Presentation poster board for the Howard Heuston skatepark project.
Presentation poster board for the Howard Heuston skatepark project.
Presentation poster board for the Howard Heuston skatepark project.
Presentation poster board for the Howard Heuston skatepark project.
Map and methodology for the annual ArtLine Pedestrian Count in Spring 2019
Findings for the annual ArtLine Pedestrian Count in Spring 2019
Site findings and notes for the annual ArtLine Pedestrian Count in Spring 2019
Change in number of pedestrians and bikes for the annual ArtLine Pedestrian Count in Spring 2019
Executive summary of the Boulder Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update Engagement Window 2
Graphics describing feedback results for the Boulder Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update Engagement Window 2
Describing outreach process for the Boulder Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update Engagement Window 2
A summary of youth-oriented engagement for the Boulder Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update Engagement Window 2